Friday, March 4, 2011

In the bus

I waked early in the morning while the gray and rainy clouds were lingering over Skopje inviting my feelings to sail with them in the sea of glumness. I hide under the blanket, trying to enjoy the warmness of my nest just a few more seconds. I set the alarm on snooze 3 times in a row, losing my sense of time. Under the blanket in the darkens I 'm trying to remember what was I dreaming...what was I planing to do today?....what day is it today?!...what should I wear at work?...
Couple of minutes later I 'm in the bus on my way to work. The bus is older then me, dirty and dusty, I have strange feeling that I'm in Afghanistan. A lot of people in the bus this morning, different kind of face's. Their cloths are showing the material situation and position they have in the society. There is more women then men in the bus. Every one of them carry a story of her life with her. Whats her story? What are they thinking? Where are they going? Are they analyzing me as I analyze them? Most of them look down at the bus floor avoiding eye contact. Suddenly I'm very aware of my shoes.What are they thinking about my shoes... I forgot to clean them this morning?!
On the way to my work there is school for kids with special needs. A father with his son with a special needs always seat on the bus seats across me. His son is smiling to me. I smile back. We always set in the same seats, it's unwritten rule we respect. Usually the father is tickling the boy trying to make him laugh and he always succeed in that. This morning the father was looking through the window lost in his thoughts, the two strong lines on his forehead were showing the heaviness of his thoughts. What was he thinking about?... And what is it with me and this obsession to know peoples life and thoughts???
The bus door opened and old lady tried to climbed in. She had big bags full with fruits and vegetables.What on earth is she doing so early at the market?!! The steps of the bus were so high that her old husband was pushing her behind helping her to climb in. A girl stud up and give hand to the old lady. Why It didn't occur to me that I can help?! I'm a bit disappointed in my self and my lack of thoughtfulness. They sat close to me, breathing heavily, exhausted from claiming the bus steps. The bus door didn't close properly and cold wind was blowing in the bus lifting the dust up high. I lift my shal covering my mouth and turn to the other side looking down  through the window were I spotted lonely driver who was driving a nice warm car. "He must be very lonely in that car"..."He need to try the bus sometime it's much more fun!":) I'm laughing to my self and my ways of trying to see things positively. 
A horrible folk song start playing loud and after a while a man realize it's his cell phone so finally he answered. He couldn't hear the person who called so he start talking really loud. There will be no need  for me to guess his problem and thoughts this morning, I already heard everything.
The journey to the work is long. I put me i Pod . Suddenly someone is talking Norwegian to me asking me for pølse med brød og to epler. Oh , no, I forget to change the Norwegian lesson on my i Pod with music.:(. Never mind, I will sing quietly to my self. The silly folk song is already in my head and I know I'm stock with it til the end of the day.
People are slowly leaving the bus. I'm last to stay since I get down on the last bus station. A dusty constriction worker is also there. They build new buildings on the last bus stop. I'm getting down from the bus and the new buildings are rising victoriously in front of me. I start wondering who will live there and what their story will be?
I find my way to the office and couple of minutes later I'm in front of my Mac with big cup of tea next to me, working on the new teen book that we will need this summer; in the background Dinah Washington is singing  her wonderful "What a difference a day makes".

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